KOMMT ZUSAMMEN – Get together: This is the simple and direct message of the fourth CD on 3000 ° Records, a motto that unites local artists from Mecklenburg with internationally renowned ones. The CD takes up the idea of the annual KOMMT ZUSAMMEN festival in Rostock and that is why it goes far beyond the scope of a classical festival compilation. Rather, KOMMT ZUSAMMEN is an attitude towards life. Listening to the compilation makes you virtually see the laughing seagulls at the Baltic Sea. It gives rise to the idea of wind blowing across the thousand lakes of the North-East German state while some guys on the shore are getting their sailing boat ready. Beside well-established names like Dapayk, Stimming, Rundfunk3000 or The Glitz, it s especially the new (probably also the young and wild) artists like Umami, David Pasternack and Schaeufler & Zovski who are inspired by this lifestyle and who set it to music. Sounds full of love and the typical warmth of Mecklenburg!